While buying electrical appliances for our homes and offices or any other place such as microwaves, refrigerators, pumps, generators, air-conditioners, etc we always check for the star-rating label on it. We all know the fact that the higher the star rating, the better the appliance works. It is a surprising fact that hardly anyone knows what those stars mean or who evaluates and puts them there, we are going to find out the same in this article.
India is a fast-growing developing country. With its rapid economic growth, the energy consumption rate is also increasing rapidly. Under certain sectors, consumption has become so high that it has become a matter of concern for the government. The government realized the low-cost and efficient method to meet the demand for the increasing energy consumption was to introduce a sustainable and efficient use of the energy system. Therefore, the need for an efficient and sustainable energy consumption system arises.
In the year 2002, the Government of India set up Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) under the enactment of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, under the supervision of Ministry of Power.
Under this Act, the delivery mechanisms of the energy efficiency services are institutionalized and provide for more coordination among the various entities of the country such as government, consumers, manufacturers, etc. The main goal of this setup is to develop policies and strategies for reduced and efficient energy consumption in the economy, focusing on self-regulation and market policies, and working within the framework of the said Act.
Promoting energy-efficient alternatives and policies for reduced and efficient energy consumption is the primary objective of BEE.
The BEE has numerous regulatory and promotional functions. The main function of the BEE is to provide the end consumers with all the important information so that they can make an informed and sustainable choice. It makes the consumers aware of the energy conservation methods and how it helps in cost savings.
To achieve this, they set up the standard and labelling program. Under this, they specify the standard level of energy efficiency to be maintained by the specified product and label the same on the products showing the actual energy and the cost savings.
The government made it mandatory for certain products and companies to be BEE-certified. The companies need to put a “BEE-certified” label on their certain specified products. The higher the star rating for the product, the more market share the product will be able to capture.There are so many agency who provides BEE certification services in India that can help the manufacturer to get the Appliances Star – Rating from the BEE
The BEE rating certificate is issued by the bureau when the said products of the company have undergone the testing procedure and comply with all the guidelines and standards that are set by the bureau. The rating is done on the scale of 1 to 8, with 8 being the lowest and 1 being the highest rating achievable. The more the compliance, the higher would be the rating. A company needs to get this rating renewed annually since the validity of a BEE certificate lasts only for a year.
One of the many functions of BEE is to provide BEE consultancy services to the companies. It provides companies with strategies and policies to adapt to be more energy-efficient and sustainable. It helps the companies to achieve a higher BEE rating and enhance their business with maximum compliance and cost savings. They get them energy audited. They research the market and company history thoroughly to provide them with the best plans for efficient and sustainable energy consumption methods.BUREAU OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY (BEE) SERVICES
There are various services provided by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) certification, some of them are:-· Advising on the implementation of BEE regulations and compliance.
· Development of policies to ensure optimal compliance.
· To get a compliance rating and make sure to yield the benefits of the same from the suppliers.
· Analysis of bid-rating.
· Protection of companies who implemented BEE and comply with the same from investigation fronts.
· Provide financial assistance for the promotion of energy efficiency programs.
· Formulate and implement international cooperation for energy efficiency and conservation program.
Conservation of energy is a global cause. All of us should comply with the rules and regulations formulated and implemented by the government to take a step towards energy conservation. It is a very important step for a sustainable future. BEE is an initiative towards making the Indian economy energy efficient. This can be only achieved with the active participation of all the stakeholders and entities of all the sectors of the economy together. This will not only make us competitive in the domestic front but also internationally.
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